Railway Hospital Hubli to start post MBBS Diploma courses

Central Railway Hospital Hubli will soon start post MBBS Diploma courses in 3 specialties. The Railway Board has conveyed approval to start the courses in February 2021. Accordingly, Central Railway Hospital Hubli will start post MBBS Diploma courses in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Family Medicine, and Paediatrics. All the courses listed will have 2 seats each.

Railway Hospital Hubli
Central Railway Hospital, Hubli

The post MBBS Diploma courses will be started after Inspection and Accreditation by the Diplomate of National Board (DNB) authorities. The selection of candidates will be through the NEET examination and the seat allotment will be done by DNB authorities.

50% of these diploma courses are reserved for Indian Railway Health Service (IRHS) officers and the rest 50% are open for the public. These courses will help Railways in getting specialists to serve in Railway Hospitals. Divisional Railway Hospital, Mysuru will also start post MBBS Diploma courses in ENT, Family Medicine, and Obstetrics and Gynecology. All the courses listed will have 2 seats each.

Railway hospitals under SWR are successfully running as Vaccination Centers for COVID-19 Vaccination. All the Railway Hospitals of SWR are empanelled hospitals for treatment of PM-JAY beneficiaries said SWR in a press statement here.

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