Weekend Curfew in Dharwad district until Monday 5 AM

As per the unlock guidelines released by the Government of Karnataka, Dharwad district will be imposed with Weekend Curfew from 7 PM today until Monday 5 AM.

Dharwad DC Nitesh Patil said that “Only Essential services and shops dealing with Essential Commodities will be allowed to open on Saturday and Sunday from 6 AM to 2 PM as per the guidelines”.

Weekend Curfew Guidelines in Dharwad district

Movement of individuals shall remain strictly prohibited between Friday 7 PM to Monday 5 AM, except for Essential and Emergency Activities as mentioned below:

Patients and their attendants/persons requiring emergency needs will be allowed to move. Eligible people intending to take Vaccination shall be allowed to move with minimal proof. Restaurant and Eateries shall be allowed only for Takeaway and Home delivery only.

All Industries/Companies/Organizations dealing with emergency and essential services and requiring operations 24/7 shall be permitted to operate.

Movement of employees of such organizations shall be allowed on producing valid ID cards issued by their respective Organization Institution. However, to the extent possible, employees should be encouraged to Work from Home.

Shops dealing with Food, Groceries, Fruits and Vegetables, Meat and Fish, Dairy and Milk booths, and Animal fodder shall be allowed to function from 6 AM to 2 PM. Street vendors are allowed to function from 6 AM to 2 PM. Ration shops are allowed from 6 AM to 2 PM.

Movement of Trains and Flights are permitted. Movement of Public Transport, Private vehicles, and Taxis to and from Airports, Railway stations is allowed for facilitating the movement of passengers by Air and Rail travel. The movement will be allowed only on displaying valid travel documents/tickets and strictly adhering to COVID appropriate behavior.

All State and Central Government offices and their Autonomous Bodies, Corporations, etc, dealing with Emergency, Essential services, and Covid-19 Containment and Management duties shall be fully functional and officers personnel of the same will be allowed to move without any restrictions.

Employees and Vehicles of Telecom and Internet Service providers shall be allowed movement on producing valid ID cards issued by their respective organization institution. Only essential staff/employees of IT and ITeS organization shall Work from Office. Rest should Work from Home.

Marriages already scheduled are permitted to be conducted at their respective home in a low-key manner. Family relatives up to 40 people are allowed to attend strictly adhering to guidelines.

Cremation/funerals to be allowed strictly adhering to COVID Appropriate Behavior with a maximum of 5 people only.

Standalone Liquor shops and outlets are allowed for takeaway only from 6 AM to 2 PM. Home delivery of all items shall be encouraged 24×7 to minimize the movement of individuals outside their homes.

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