SWR achieves the highest ever punctuality

South Western Railways (SWR) has achieved the highest ever Punctuality of 96.27% in the financial year 2020-21, since its formation (18 years ago o­n 01.04.2003).

SWR has surpassed the Railway Ministry’s Target of Punctuality which was set at 88%. Also, SWR has achieved the distinction of 4th position among all other Zonal Punctuality positions. SWR has significantly improved its position compared to last year’s 16th position.

SWR has achieved the feat despite carrying out a record number of Constructing New lines (about 52 km), Doubling (207 km), and electrification (303 km) in FY 2020-21. It is a significant achievement considering that SWR is operating only 70% of Mail/Express trains compared to Pre-Covid19 days (61 pairs out of 86 pairs of M/E trains have been restored). The number of Restoration of trains is the highest in all the Zones of Indian Railways.

This achievement has been possible due to the persistent efforts of the Operating, Engineering, and Signal & Telecom Departments of SWR. Shri Gajanan Mallya, the new General Manager of SWR has congratulated the team of Officers & staff responsible for the feat and exhorted them to maintain punctuality at the top position’ said SWR in a press statement here.

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