Karnataka has emerged as one of the top states to utilize eSanjeevini – Government of India’s free Telemedicine service. Around 10 Lakh people in Karnataka have so far used the service to seek Healthcare services remotely.
People in many states have been quick to recognize the benefits of eSanjeevani and this has led to an increase in its usage. The top 10 states using eSanjeevini are as follows: Andhra Pradesh (1219689), Tamil Nadu (1161987), Karnataka (1056447), Uttar Pradesh (952926), Gujarat (267482), Madhya Pradesh (264364), Bihar (192537), Maharashtra (177629), Kerala (173734) and Uttarakhand (134214).
eSanjeevani has crossed another milestone by completing 6 million (60 lakh) consultations in India through more than 375 online OPDs, where over 40,000 patients consult over 1600 doctors and specialists daily using the innovative digital medium to seek Health services.
The Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare had conceptualized eSanjeevani – a Doctor to Doctor Telemedicine platform in November 2019 for implementation at 1,55,000 Health and Wellness Centres under Govt. of India’s Ayushman Bharat Scheme in a Hub & Spokes model.
Owing to the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020, as OPDs across the country were closed, the Union Health Ministry ensured a rapid development and roll-out of the initiative in collaboration with The Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (Mohali).
The service has come in handy for the patients in urban areas as well as in rural areas, especially during the second wave of the ongoing pandemic that has burdened the Healthcare services badly in the country.
Currently, the National Telemedicine Service is operational in 31 States/Union Territories. People can use the services by logging in to https://esanjeevaniopd.in/. Also, there is an Android app available for the same. Click here to download the app.