Belagavi Dharwad train to be cancelled due to poor occupancy

South Western Railway (SWR) has decided to cancel Train number 07353/07358 Belagavi Dharwad Unreserved Special Express due to poor occupancy.

DRM Hubballi posted the cancellation news through his Twitter account here. Train number 07357/07358 will be cancelled with effect from 15th July 2023.

Buses usually cover the 75km distance between Belagavi and Dharwad in 1 hour 15min. But the train used to take 2 and half to 3 hours to cover the same distance.

Also, the frequent and reliable bus service provided by NWKRTC made passengers to stick to buses rather than travelling by train which resulted in poor occupancy.

The train was an extension of the Dharwad Mysuru Dharwad Express (Train number 17301/17302). The train used to run as Unreserved Special Express between Dharwad and Belagavi.

Due to delay in the maintenance of the train at Belagavi, Train 07358 was often rescheduled with a delay of more than one hour and sometimes even 3 hours.

It was affecting the punctuality of the Dharwad Mysuru train (Train number 17302) a lot. The train which used to arrive 10-15 minutes early at Mysuru used to get delayed by 2-3 hours.

SWR is likely to change the primary maintenance of the Dharwad Mysuru Dharwad train to Hubballi. Subsequently, they may also introduce the Hubballi Dharwad passenger train.

Train number 07357 leaves Dharwad at 8:15 AM and reached Belagavi at 10:45 AM. In the return direction, Train number 07358 leaves Belagavi at 7:30 PM and reaches Dharwad at 9:55 PM.

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8 thoughts on “Belagavi Dharwad train to be cancelled due to poor occupancy

  1. Yes, it’s better to cancel the Belagavi to Dharwad train due to this it’s affecting us to reach mysore by late 3hr.

  2. Sir pls run this train direct from Belagavi to Mysuru it helps to many people’s of Belagavi and near by villages to travel directly Mysuru.

    1. What? To go to Mysore it has to pass through Dharwad only! And also there will be less number of people in train as compared to Dharwad – Hubli! Almost 90% of seat will be occupied from Dharwad and hubli station! It will he burden for government to schedule train only from Belgaum to Mysore!

  3. The train Belagavi Dharward 07358 rarely arrived to and departed from Belagavi on time. This lead to cascading delay by hours. Hence it was not reliable to opt it, That is why it has earned a reputation of poor accupancy. Had it been punctual, it would have been a great success of connectivity for Belgamites to reach Mysuru.
    The railway authority can only improve by first taking accountability of their poor puntual performance rather then scrapping new initiatives by reasoning poor occupancy.

  4. Please 17302/17301 train should run between Dharwad – Mysore which is convenient for all and the train will reach Mysore on time m

  5. It should run as a Direct train from Belgaum Mysuru , people from belgaum and kolhapur/ Miraj/ Sangli going to Mysuru will benefit

  6. Belgaum District people need a direct connectivity to mysuru so , introduce the same train as belgaum-mysuru express, then the public will really make use of the train, and then this train might be as popular as channamma and bgm express.

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