District Incharge Minister Jagadish Shettar held a meeting with DC Nitesh Patil, HDMC officials, Police officers, and others and unanimously decided to extend Complete Lockdown in the Dharwad district.
The decision is taken keeping in mind the health of citizens. Based on the expert’s opinion, it has been decided to extend the Complete Lockdown till 7th June 2021.
Only urgent Medical services will be available during the period. Apart from it, citizens will be allowed to buy Milk and Vegetables from 6 AM to 8 AM only. All other activities will be strictly prohibited, he added.
On Thursday and Friday (27th May and 28th May), citizens will be allowed to buy essential goods from 6 AM to 10 AM. “To break the chain of Covid-19, strict measures have been undertaken. The citizens should adhere to rules and stay at home for their well-being” he added.