6 High-tech cities including Hubballi Dharwad to come in Karnataka

Hubbballi Infra Google News

Speaking at the 25th edition of Bengaluru Tech Summit, Chief Minister of Karnataka Basavaraj Bommai announced that Six new High-tech cities will be built in Karnataka.

The six High-tech cities will be built in Hubballi, Dharwad, Mysuru, Mangaluru, Kalaburagi, and one more near to Bengaluru.

The government is also planning to establish a Startup Park near the Kempegowda International Airport, Bengaluru within a span of 6 months from now.

‘The 6 High-tech cities will have the best Innovation centers in Karnataka and also they will house top-class Educational institutions’ CM Basavaraj Bommai added.

Chief Minister Basavaraja Bommai has called on the Businessmen to work proactively to supplement the development and work together to bring income to the government.

During his address, he further added that “We are facing a lot of challenges globally. The world is drowning in problems. Financial resources are decreasing every moment.”

“If we don’t find a solution, we will face problems in the future. Our ancestors used to lead a systematic life.”

“We must give our children a better future. We must not steal from the future. Land should be saved for the future. Global thinking is necessary to save the earth” he added.

The government will provide all kind of Co-operation to realize the Beyond Bengaluru initiative. The government will strive to establish IT industry in Mysuru, Mangaluru, Hubballi and Dharwad.

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One thought on “6 High-tech cities including Hubballi Dharwad to come in Karnataka

  1. Why should any businesses come to Hubli-Dharwad? No roads, no streetlights, only potholes, dangerous speedbreakers, tons of dust and filth everywhere, worst possible corporators, useless MLAs, and the most rotten MP possible. No hope whatsoever, of any improvement. Citizens are already suffering, why should other people become victims?

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